Thank you to Sewcial!

Sewcial was such a special event and it wouldn’t have been possible without the support and generosity of all of these wonderful sponsors. Not only did they donate products for our for our hands-on classes, but also for incredible door prizes.
Sew….thank you to the following:
And to Leabu Sewing Center. I even had one student who never touched a serger before and guess what? She did a fantastic job! That’s how easy Baby Lock sergers are to work on.
Reliable – @reliablecorp #fullsteamahead, Your irons are great!
FreeSpirit – @_iamafreespirit #iamfreespirit, Did you see all of the gift exchange items? Beautiful fabric to sew and create with.
Coats & Clark – @CoatsandClark #makeitcoats, For the serger cone thread, topstitch thread and zippers
Famore Cutlery @famorecutlery #staysharp, Three lovely scissor sets for lucky door prize winners
Schmetz – @SCHMETZneedles #SCHMETZneedles, For topstitch needles, stretch needles and Rhonda Pierce! Rhonda gave an informative and entertaining lecture all about a variety of needles, how they’re manufactured and the differences between them. Download their free app for portable needle info.
Simplicity – @TweetSimplicity #simplicity, For materials for Andrea’s amazing class
Also I want to thank Haberman’s Fabrics.
What a kickoff to the weekend! Haberman’s is a fabric shopping paradise. Their Sewciable, helpful and knowledgeable staff were gracious hosts to our group and lunch and beverages were yummy. If you’re in the Royal Oak, MI neighborhood, don’t miss out on a visit this store—you won’t be sorry!!!!!