Serger Tip Clip 16: The Elastic Foot
In this two-part tip clip we will learn how to attach elastic with the elastic foot. The high engineering in these specialty feet can...

Serger Tip Clip 15: Specialty Threads for Decorative Edges
In this Serger Tip Clip we will explore a variety of 10 different specialty threads. I will illustrate how different a stitch can look...

Serger Tip Clip 14: The Serger Blanket Stitch
The Blanket Stitch is a two-thread serger stitch utilizing the subsidiary looper also known as the Upper Looper Converter. It's a great...

Serger Tip Clip 13: Perfect Hem Results with the Fabric Guide
Use the Fabric Guide on your serger to create a perfect hem. It's super easy and you will get great results.

Serger Tip Clip 12: Clearing the Threads
Watch how quick and easy it is to clear the threads after you are done cover stitching. This tip clip will demonstrate how you can...

Serger Tip Clip 11: Chain Stitch for Alterations
Discover why the chain stitch is an excellent stitch for fitting alterations. It's great for a variety of fabrics especially delicates....

Serger Tip Clip 10: Create a Narrow Hem with Fusible Thread
Fusible thread is great for creating a secure and delicate narrow hem.

Serger Tip Clip 9: The Thread Net
Learn how to use a Thread Net on your serger.

Serger Tip Clip 8: Attach Ruffling Fabric to Flat Fabric in 1-Step
In Tip Clip 7 we looked at how increasing the differential feed on your serger will gather fabric. Did you know you can gather and ruffle...

Serger Tip Clip 7: Gathering Fabric
Did you know you can do some decorative techniques on your serger? It's not just for utility stitching. In this serger tip clip learn how...